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Software for Windows
XP TCP/IP Repair 2.2
Repair your Windows XP Winsock and TCP/IP registry errors
Software for Windows
Super Socks5Cap Portable Version
Like sockscap and proxy finder,allows applications through proxy, portable.
Software for Windows
Client/Server Comm Lib for FoxPro 7.0
FoxPro TCP and UDP socket library client/server component
Software for Windows
Factorizer 11.32
For factoring integers, finding primes and plotting associated histograms.
Software for Windows
Foot ball 04 008
A free flash soccer game for you to play online.
Software for Windows
SocketTools .NET Edition 8.0.8030.2386
.NET components for Internet application development using Visual Studio.
Software for Windows
Soccer 05 005
Play Football, the NFL site for kids. Games, fun facts about NFL players and foo
Software for Windows
Courier Mail Server 3.06
An e-mail server for office and home networks. Contains Web and SOCKS servers.
Software for Windows
Super Socks5Cap
Like 'sockscap', is a program that allows network applications through proxy
Software for Windows
Addictive Football 1.8
Football game similar in style to Sensible Soccer and Kick Off
Software for Windows
Social Bookmarks Submitter 8.0
Social Bookmarks Submitter is the best automated social bookmarking software
Software for Windows
Akeni Live Help 123 - Corporate IM 1.1
Akeni Live Help 123 integrates with Corporate IM or Social Networking Software
Software for Windows
Client/Server Comm Lib for Delphi 7.0
Delphi TCP and UDP socket library client/server component
Software for Windows
Client/Server Comm Lib for C/C++ 7.0
C/C++ TCP and UDP socket library client/server component
Software for Windows
Online Horse Betting Hazards 1.0
Learn about how to avoid various hazards associated with online horse betting
Software for Windows
SocketTools Library Edition 8.0.8030.2386
Windows libraries for Internet and intranet application development.
Software for Windows
SocketTools ActiveX Edition 8.0.8030.2386
ActiveX controls for Internet and intranet application development.
Software for Windows
Client/Server Comm Lib for Visual Basic 7.0
Visual Basic TCP and UDP socket library client/server component
Software for Windows
Socusoft Web Video Player 1.30
Play videos on your own website easily with preset customizable player skins.
Software for Windows
Pdf Restrictions Removal Application 1.2
Remove pdf owner password and associated restrictions in bulk mode
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Found 50 matche(s) 3 page(s)

Audio & Multimedia 
Audio Encoders/Decoders  | Audio File Players  | Audio File Recorders  | CD Burners  | CD Players  | Multimedia Creation Tools  | Music Composers  | Other  | Presentation Tools  | Rippers & Converters  | Speech  | Video Tools 
Accounting & Finance  | Calculators & Converters  | Databases & Tools  | Helpdesk & Remote PC  | Inventory & Barcoding  | Investment Tools  | Math & Scientific Tools  | Office Suites & Tools  | Other  | PIMS & Calendars  | Project Management  | Vertical Market Apps 
Chat & Instant Messaging  | Dial Up & Connection Tools  | E-Mail Clients  | E-Mail List Management  | Fax Tools  | Newsgroup Clients  | Other Comms Tools  | Other E-Mail Tools  | Pager Tools  | Telephony  | Web/Video Cams 
Clocks & Alarms  | Cursors & Fonts  | Icons  | Other  | Screen Savers: Art  | Screen Savers: Cartoons  | Screen Savers: Nature  | Screen Savers: Other  | Screen Savers: People  | Screen Savers: Science  | Screen Savers: Seasonal  | Screen Savers: Vehicles  | Themes & Wallpaper 
Active X  | Basic, VB, VB DotNet  | C / C++ / C#  | Compilers & Interpreters  | Components & Libraries  | Debugging  | Delphi  | Help Tools  | Install & Setup  | Management & Distribution  | Other  | Source Editors 
Computer  | Dictionaries  | Geography  | Kids  | Languages  | Mathematics  | Other  | Reference Tools  | Science  | Teaching & Training Tools 
Games & Entertainment 
Action  | Adventure & Roleplay  | Arcade  | Board  | Card  | Casino & Gambling  | Kids  | Online Gaming  | Other  | Puzzle & Word Games  | Simulation  | Sports  | Strategy & War Games  | Tools & Editors 
Graphic Apps 
Animation Tools  | CAD  | Converters & Optimizers  | Editor  | Font Tools  | Gallery & Cataloging Tools  | Icon Tools  | Other  | Screen Capture  | Viewers 
Home & Hobby 
Astrology / Biorhythms / Mystic  | Astronomy  | Cataloging  | Food & Drink  | Genealogy  | Health & Nutrition  | Other  | Personal Finance  | Personal Interest  | Recreation  | Religion 
Network & Internet 
Ad Blockers  | Browser Tools  | Browsers  | Download Managers  | File Sharing/Peer to Peer  | FTP Clients  | Network Monitoring  | Other  | Remote Computing  | Search/Lookup Tools  | Terminal & Telnet Clients  | Timers & Time Synch  | Trace & Ping Tools 
Security & Privacy 
Access Control  | Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools  | Anti-Virus Tools  | Covert Surveillance  | Encryption Tools  | Other  | Password Managers 
Firewall & Proxy Servers  | FTP Servers  | Mail Servers  | News Servers  | Other Server Applications  | Telnet Servers  | Web Servers 
System Utilities 
Automation Tools  | Backup & Restore  | Benchmarking  | Clipboard Tools  | File & Disk Management  | File Compression  | Launchers & Task Managers  | Other  | Printer  | Registry Tools  | Shell Tools  | System Maintenance  | Text/Document Editors 
Web Development 
ASP & PHP  | E-Commerce  | Flash Tools  | HTML Tools  | Java & JavaScript  | Log Analysers  | Other  | Site Administration  | Wizards & Components  | XML/CSS Tools 
Remember software piracy is theft, also using serial numbers, registration codes, key generators (keygens) or cracks which you have not paid for is illegal.PHP Load Time: 1741935417.0332

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